Engaging Physics & Science Classes for Kids Ages 8-12

Live Online Classes
Your child can learn advanced physics and science concepts! Our courses are designed to get kids excited about physics and the impact of science on their lives, while providing a strong knowledge base for further study. Small-group classes are conducted live via Zoom by specialized STEM educators. We've taught over 4000 young physicists this past year!
About Us
Our mission: To expand children’s horizons through engaging classes and learning products that explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), with a quantum physics and invention focus. Applied quantum physics is the foundation of modern technology: electricity, solar energy, batteries, wifi. Kids are naturally curious about these modern tools!
An understanding of quantum physics opens doorways to STEM careers in renewable energy, electrical engineering, material science, product design, molecular biology, molecular chemistry, biotechnology, communication technology and other growing fields.
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Physics Courses